actionControls(String) - Method in class Sugarscape
Implements various template options for the Game of Life (multiple) and the Sugarscape (one)
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ControlChoice
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ControlNext
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ControlSpeed
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ControlStartStop
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class Sugarscape
This Method implements command-line control for the program.
addChild(Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Adds citizen to child list.


BIRTHEVENT - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
barterTime - Static variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
bearChild(Citizen, Citizen, int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Bears child inheriting characteristics of citizen and mate.
bigbang - Variable in class Sugarscape
birthCount - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
birthList - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
birthYear - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
blackline - Variable in class Sugarscape
born - Static variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
bos - Static variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace


CELL_3D - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Controls the appearence of individual cells
CELL_BAR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Cell Bar color - bar represents sugar & spice quantity in cell
CELL_BG - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Cell Background Color
CITIZEN_COLOR_CHILD - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
CITIZEN_COLOR_SENIOR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Determines RGB color value depicting senior citizens - past child-bearing age
CREATE_UNIQUE_SURNAMES - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Surnames are randomly generated from a list of 2000 names.
Cell - class Sugarscape.Cell.
This is a component of the Sugarscape object.
Cell() - Constructor for class Sugarscape.Cell
Constructor object, initializes quantities of sugar and spice within the cell.
CellSpace - class Sugarscape.CellSpace.
Implements the CellSpace object that defines the Sugarscape grid.
CellSpace(int, int, int, JTextArea) - Constructor for class Sugarscape.CellSpace
CellSpace constructor - resizes physical dimensions for the Sugarscape Defines Linked list objects that contain the citizen population.
Citizen - class Sugarscape.Citizen.
The Citizen object is modeled on a human being.
Citizen() - Constructor for class Sugarscape.Citizen
Base constructor for the Citizen object.
Citizen(int, int) - Constructor for class Sugarscape.Citizen
Constructor used to create new citizen object inside a cell object.
Citizen(Citizen, Citizen, int, int) - Constructor for class Sugarscape.Citizen
Constructor used to create citizen object inheriting attributes from a pair of parent Citizen objects.
ControlChoice - class ControlChoice.
ControlChoice(Sugarscape) - Constructor for class ControlChoice
ControlNext - class ControlNext.
ControlNext(Sugarscape) - Constructor for class ControlNext
ControlSpeed - class ControlSpeed.
ControlSpeed(Sugarscape) - Constructor for class ControlSpeed
ControlStartStop - class ControlStartStop.
ControlStartStop(Sugarscape) - Constructor for class ControlStartStop
c - Variable in class Sugarscape
Template Choice and speed control
causeOfDeath - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
ce3D - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceBar - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceBground - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceChild - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceLimitSpice - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceLimitSugar - Variable in class Sugarscape
cePolluDispersal - Variable in class Sugarscape
cePolluSpice - Variable in class Sugarscape
cePolluSugar - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceRenewSpSummer - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceRenewSpWinter - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceRenewSuSummer - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceRenewSuWinter - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceSenior - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceSpiceMax - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceSpiceMin - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceSugarMax - Variable in class Sugarscape
ceSugarMin - Variable in class Sugarscape
cell - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
cellCols - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
cellCols - Variable in class Sugarscape
cellNMatesAvailable(Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Examines adjacent cells to determine if any prospective mates are available and for an empty cell in which to bear a child.
cellPanel - Variable in class Sugarscape
cellRows - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
cellRows - Variable in class Sugarscape
cellSize - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
cellSize - Variable in class Sugarscape
cellSpace - Variable in class Sugarscape
The only instance of a CellSpace object in the simulation.
cellUnderMouse - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
cells - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
cellsBuffer - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
checkChildren() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns count of children in the child list.
childList - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
chkGoLconstants() - Static method in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Default set of checks attempts to determine if default settings for variables are valid.
ciInheritInitial - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciKinMate - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciLifeMax - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciLifeMin - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciMateFemaleGap - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciMateFemaleMax - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciMateFemaleMin - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciMateMaleGap - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciMateMaleMax - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciMateMaleMin - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciPersona - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciSex - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciSpMax - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciSpMetab - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciSpMin - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciSpicePoor - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciSuMax - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciSuMetab - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciSuMin - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciSugarPoor - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciSurnamesFather - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciSurnamesUnique - Variable in class Sugarscape
ciVision - Variable in class Sugarscape
citizen - Variable in class Sugarscape.Cell
Citizen object container within the cell.
citizen - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
citizenID - Static variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
citizenPanel - Variable in class Sugarscape
clear() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Clears Grid, empties the Citizen List and (re)initializes grid vars.
clear - Variable in class Sugarscape
configPanel - Variable in class Sugarscape
controls - Variable in class Sugarscape
createCellPanel() - Method in class Sugarscape
createCells() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Creates instances of the Cell object.
createCitizenPanel() - Method in class Sugarscape
createConfigPanel() - Method in class Sugarscape
createFamilyNameList() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
The following collections is randomly assigned to the initial inhabitants.
createScorePanel() - Method in class Sugarscape
createSpeedList() - Method in class Sugarscape
createSscapePanel() - Method in class Sugarscape
createTemplateList() - Method in class Sugarscape
cultureTag - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
customFormat(String, double) - Static method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Method to format float and double vars for display on screen.
customFormat(String, double) - Static method in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Method to format float and double vars for display on screen.


DEATHEVENT - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
DEBUG - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
This activates all debugging output, irrespective of the value of the rest of the DEBUG variables.
DEBUG_BARTER - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Enables output of subprocesses that comprise the barter function.
DEBUG_BARTER_EXCHANGE - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Enables output from the process finalizing the exchange of goods between citizens.
DEBUG_BARTER_SORT - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Enables output of process that evaluates, ranks and selects from multiple trade offers.
DEBUG_CITIZEN_BIRTH - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Enables output of subprocesses that comprise birth of a child.
DEBUG_CITIZEN_DEATH - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
DEBUG_CMD_FEEDBACK - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
This determines whether the feedback to commands typed in by the user are generated and displayed.
DEBUG_CRITICAL_ERROR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Controls display of critical system errors that invalidate results.
DEBUG_INHERITANCE - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Enables tracking of the inheritance process.
DEBUG_MATING - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Enables output of subprocesses that comprise the mating function.
DEBUG_MATING_BIRTH - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Enables output of processes that comprise the birth of a child after mating.
DEBUG_MATING_SEARCH - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Enables output of processes that comprise the search for a mate.
DEBUG_MATING_SELECTION - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Enables output of processes that comprise the selection of a mate.
DEBUG_POLLUTION - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Enables tracking of pollution accumulation and dispersal processes.
DEBUG_PROCESS_TIME - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Enables tracking of time taken by the major processes.
DEBUG_PROGRAM_FLOW - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Controls display of program flow by listing the names of major methods as they execute.
DEBUG_SEARCH_SUGAR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Enables output of subprocesses that control the search for sugar.
DEBUG_SPICE_PRODUCTION - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Displays the actual distribution of spice at the start of each cycle.
DEBUG_SUGAR_PRODUCTION - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Displays the actual distribution of sugar at the start of each cycle.
DENSITY_FACTOR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
density of population used in the Random & Sugarscape template
deBarter - Variable in class Sugarscape
deBarterExchange - Variable in class Sugarscape
deBarterSort - Variable in class Sugarscape
deChildBirth - Variable in class Sugarscape
deCitizenBirth - Variable in class Sugarscape
deCitizenDeath - Variable in class Sugarscape
deCmdFeedback - Variable in class Sugarscape
deCriticalError - Variable in class Sugarscape
deDebug - Variable in class Sugarscape
deInheritance - Variable in class Sugarscape
deMateSearch - Variable in class Sugarscape
deMateSelection - Variable in class Sugarscape
deMating - Variable in class Sugarscape
dePollution - Variable in class Sugarscape
deProductionSpice - Variable in class Sugarscape
deProductionSugar - Variable in class Sugarscape
deProgFlow - Variable in class Sugarscape
deSugarSearch - Variable in class Sugarscape
deTime - Variable in class Sugarscape
dead - Static variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
deathByDerliction - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
deathByDotage - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
deathByStarvation - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
deathList - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
deleteOrphanCitizens(int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Eliminates citizens marooned by dynamic reduction in grid dimension.
demoCntr - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
destinationI - Static variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
destinationJ - Static variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
disburseInheritance(Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Disburses wealth of a dead citizen equally among its offspring.
dispersePollution() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Periodic dispersal of accumulated pollution caused by gathering activity.
distrAdults - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrChildren - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrEff - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrFemale - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrHyp - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrHypSp - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrHypSu - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrIneff - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrMale - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrRiskAverse - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrRiskTaker - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrSeniors - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrSlow - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrSlowSp - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrSlowSu - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrSummer - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
distrWinter - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
doubleBlack - Variable in class Sugarscape
drawRandomShape() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Draws random pattern for the first time in Game of Life template.
drawRandomShape() - Method in class Sugarscape
Draws a random template on the Game of Life grid.
drawShape(int, int, int[]) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Draws selected pattern for the first time in Game of Life template.
drawShape(int, int, int[]) - Method in class Sugarscape
Draws the shape to canvas depending on the template selected for all selections relating to the Game of Life.
Calls the relevant method in the CellSpace class.
drawSugarscape(int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Executes simulation processes for the first time when the Sugarscape template is selected.
drawSugarscape(int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape
Implements the Sugarscape template by calling the relevant method in the CellSpace class.
Provides the option to specify physical dimensions by passing parameters for columns and rows through HTML code.


eatSpice() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Subtracts one consumption unit (spice metabolism) from the spice stockpile.
eatSugar() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Subtracts one consumption unit (sugar metabolism) from the sugar stockpile.
exploder1 - Variable in class Sugarscape
exploder2 - Variable in class Sugarscape


family - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
fast - Variable in class Sugarscape
father - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
filler(int) - Static method in class Sugarscape
fish - Variable in class Sugarscape
flagDemo - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
flag identifying (de)activation of the Demo/test process that enables a quick test or demonstration of the Sugarscape simulation.
flagOutFileCreated - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
not used currently due to security restrictions on applets in Java.
flagSugarscape - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
flag identifying (de)activation of the Sugarscape process from either the menu or the command line on the Sugarscape.


GRID_CELLSIZE - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Cell side in pixels, each cell is a square
GRID_COLS_MAX - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Maximum possible value for Sugarscape columns
GRID_COLUMNS - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Default value for Sugarscape columns
GRID_COORD_COLOR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
available options - blue, black, red, green
GRID_COORD_DETAIL - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
0->all cells, 1->last row&col, 2->last col, 3->last row, 4->last cell
GRID_COORD_FONT - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
determines font size, range .5(small)--> .9(large), default .8
GRID_COORD_SHOW - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
switches grid coordinates on / off.
GRID_FERTILITY_SPICE - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
GRID_FERTILITY_SUGAR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Grid fertility for sugar - percentage of cells that will grow sugar.
GRID_REFRESH_FAST - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
GRID_REFRESH_HYPER - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
GRID_REFRESH_SLOW - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Time-interval between timePeriod, value SLOW
GRID_ROWS - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
GRID_ROWS_MAX - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
GoLconst - class Sugarscape.GoLconst.
This file provides the most direct option to configure and manipulate the behavior and properties of objects in the Sugarscape simulation.
It allows a researcher to create an initial scenario and to tweak rules within that scenario.
GoLconst() - Constructor for class Sugarscape.GoLconst
gameThread - Variable in class Sugarscape
gatherTime - Static variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
genLabel - Variable in class Sugarscape
genTime - Variable in class Sugarscape
getAge() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the age, defined as the birth year subtracted from the current cycle or time period.
getAppletInfo() - Method in class Sugarscape
Program info accessible through the menu options of the Appletviewer
getBarterTime() - Static method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getBirthCount() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getBirthYear() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the cycle or time period when the citizen was born.
getCauseOfDeath() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns a string describing the citizen's cause of death.
getCellCols() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getCellRows() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getCol() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the column on the grid where the citizen is located.
getDeathByDerliction() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDeathByDotage() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDeathByStarvation() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrAdults() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrChildren() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrEff() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrFemale() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrHyp() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrHypSp() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrHypSu() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrIneff() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrMale() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrRiskAverse() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrRiskTaker() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrSeniors() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrSlow() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrSlowSp() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrSlowSu() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrSummer() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getDistrWinter() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getFamily() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns a string identifying the citizen's family.
getFather() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns a numeric code uniquely identifying the citizen's father.
getGatherTime() - Static method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getID() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns a unique identification number for the citizen.
getInheritSpice() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the spice inherited by the citizen from its parents.
getInheritSugar() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the sugar inherited by the citizen from its parents.
getLastMating() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
The cycle or time period when the citizen last mated successfully.
getLifeSpan() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the expected lifespan of the citizen.
getMRS() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Calculated value.
getMateTime() - Static method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getMetabSpice() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the value representing the citizen's metabolic rate for spice.
getMetabSugar() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the value representing the citizen's metabolic rate for sugar.
getMother() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns a numeric code uniquely identifying the citizen's mother.
getNextChild(int) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns next child on list, null if no more children.
getOtherTime() - Static method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getPersona() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
getPollution() - Method in class Sugarscape.Cell
Returns the current level of pollution in the cell.
getPopulation() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Reports the current population size.
getRanking() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the ranking previously calculated for the citizen.
getRow() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the row on the grid where the citizen is located.
getSpUnits() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Calculated value, depicting the number of units of spice available to the citizen.
getSpice() - Method in class Sugarscape.Cell
Returns the current stock of spice in the cell.
getSpice() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the value representing the citizen's spice stockpile.
getSuUnits() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Calculated value, depicting the number of units of sugar available to the citizen.
getSugar() - Method in class Sugarscape.Cell
Returns the current stock of sugar in the cell.
getSugar() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the value representing the citizen's sugar stockpile.
getSurplus() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the surplus available for trade.
getTUD() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns an estimated Time Until Death.
getTimePeriod() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Returns the current cycle or time period of the simulation under execution.
getTotAge() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getTotLifespan() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getTotSpMetab() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getTotSpice() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getTotSuMetab() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getTotSugar() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getTotVision() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
getVision() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns the value representing the vision of the citizen.
glider - Variable in class Sugarscape
growGoods() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Generate initial/periodic distribution of sugar in Cellspace when seasonal processes inactive.
growGoodsBySeason() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Generate initial/periodic distribution of sugar in Cellspace when seasonal processes have been activated.
gun - Variable in class Sugarscape


HIGH_ENDOWMENT_SPICE - Static variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
HIGH_ENDOWMENT_SUGAR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
hasSurplus() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if the citizen has enough sugar to support prospective offspring.
historyPanel - Variable in class Sugarscape
homeCol - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
homeRow - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
hyper - Variable in class Sugarscape


INHERIT_FAMILY_FATHER - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Determines whose name is passed on to the progeny.
INHERIT_INITIAL_WEALTH - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Determines whether children inherit 1/2 of parents inheritance or 1/2 of parents entire wealth.
INITIATE_BARTER - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Barter Initiation switch.
INITIATE_GATHER - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Inheritance switch.
INITIATE_INHERITANCE - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Inheritance switch.
INITIATE_MATING - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Inheritance switch.
INITIATE_POLLUTION - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Switch for the pollution process.
INITIATE_SEASONS - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Climate Change Initiation, if false, its always summer
id - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
incrementTime() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Increments time period by one
inheritSpice - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
inheritSugar - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
init() - Method in class Sugarscape
Initialises the GUI including the CellSpace object and starts the Sugarscape thread.
isAlive() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if the citizen is still within the lifespan determined at birth.
isCautious() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true, if the personality type for the citizen is risk-averse OR below the poverty level as defined by GoLconst.SUGAR_LEVEL_POOR and GoLconst.SPICE_LEVEL_POOR
isChild() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if the citizen's age falls within the range that defines childhood.
isChildOf(Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if citizen is a child of the citizen passed as a parameter to this method..
isKinOf(Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if citizen is related to the citizen passed as a parameter to this method.
isMale() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if the citizen is of the 'male' sex.
isParentOf(Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if citizen is a parent of the citizen passed as a parameter to this method.
isPoor() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if sugar or spice consumption units are less than or equal to wealth levels specified in the global constants (GoLconst.java) file.
isSenior() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if the citizen's age falls within the range that defines senior citizens.
isSiblingOf(Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if two citizens share both parents.


LIFE_EXPECTANCY_MAX - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
LIFE_EXPECTANCY_MIN - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Life Expectancy range - minimum value, people may die earlier from other causes.
LIMIT_CELL_SPICE - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
LIMIT_CELL_SUGAR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
if true, sugar accumulation is limited by capacity defined in SUGAR_MAX_CELL.
lastMating - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
lifeSpan - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen


MATING_FEMALE_GAP - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
waiting period that must elapse after mating before female citizens can resume mating.
MATING_FEMALE_MAX - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
maximum mating age for female citizens, i.e., menopause
MATING_FEMALE_MIN - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
minimum mating age for female citizens.
MATING_KIN_ALLOW - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Determines if mating is allowed among immediate kin (parent, child, sibling).
MATING_MALE_GAP - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
MATING_MALE_MAX - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
MATING_MALE_MIN - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
METABOLISM_MAX_SPICE - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
METABOLISM_MAX_SUGAR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
maximum sugar metabolism level for a citizen, minimum 1.
MRS - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
mate - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
mateList - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
mateTime - Static variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
metabSpice - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
metabSugar - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
mother - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
mouseDown(Event, int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Cell selection operation
Copies status of cell selected by the user.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Calls routine to toggle status of a range of cells selected by dragging the mouse.
mouseUp(Event, int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Calls routine to toggle current cell status.
moveNGather(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Moves citizen to a new location previously identified by the search methods.
msgStr - Static variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace


needsSpice() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true when citizen is 'Risk-Averse' and MRS < 1.
needsSugar() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true when citizen is 'Risk-Averse' and MRS > 1.
next() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Determines the next generation in the Game of Life templates
nextButton - Variable in class Sugarscape
nextLabel - Variable in class Sugarscape
Label for buttons
nextScape() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Executes simulation processes for subsequent cycles or time periods.
notOccupied() - Method in class Sugarscape.Cell
Returns false when cell is occupied by a citizen.


OUTPUT_DESTINATION - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
cannot implement due to java restrictions on applets
ofCompatibleSex(Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if the two prospective mates belong to the opposite sex.
ofMatingAge() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if the citizen's age falls between the range of values signifying childhood and old age.
offScreenGraphics - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
otherTime - Static variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace


PERSONALITY_RATIO - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
ratio of citizens that are risk-averse to risk-takers, influences trading strategy.
POLLUTION_DISPERSION_UNIT - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Dispersal / Pollution reduction per cell per year
POLLUTION_PRODUCTION_SPICE - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
POLLUTION_PRODUCTION_SUGAR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Pollution generated in a cell per unit sugar gathered
PROGRAM_RELEASE_DATE - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Public release date
PROGRAM_VERSION - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Current Sugarscape Project Version #
paint(Graphics) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
The main paint method for (re)drawing the Sugarscape.
paintCell(Graphics, int, int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.Cell
Updates the Cell background of an empty cell.
paintZen(Graphics, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Paints the citizen in to one of eight possible shapes The classification comprises eight categories and are representedgraphically as icons drawn using a combination of ovals and rectangles.
paneEdge - Variable in class Sugarscape
pastMatingInterval() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if the period specified in the global constants file has passed since the last successful mating for the citizen.
persona - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
pickMate() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Attaches weights to each mate based on their ranking.
pollution - Variable in class Sugarscape.Cell
populate() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Populates cells in the Sugarscape based on a frequency determined by the global constant DENSITY_FACTOR in GoLconst.java.
population - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
preferSame(float, float) - Static method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true if two MRS values supplied as parameters have a preference for the same good.
prefersSpice() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true when MRS < 1.
prefersSugar() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns true when MRS > 1.
pump - Variable in class Sugarscape


random - Variable in class Sugarscape
ranking - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
resetID() - Static method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Resets the variable that is used to generating unique ID's for each new citizen.
resetScoreVars() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
resetTimePeriod() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Resets the time period for a new round of the simulation
resizeCols(int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Initiates change in the number of columns on the grid.
resizeRows(int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Initiates change in the number of rows on the grid.
row10 - Variable in class Sugarscape
run() - Method in class Sugarscape
This method monitors status of the simulation and stops execution if the population dies out.


SEASON_DURATION - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Duration in time periods of each season
SEX_RATIO - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
ratio of females to males born
SPICE_LEVEL_POOR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
SPICE_MAX_CELL - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
SPICE_MAX_CITIZEN - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
SPICE_MIN_CITIZEN - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
SPICE_RENEW_SUMMER - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
SPICE_RENEW_WINTER - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
SUGAR_LEVEL_POOR - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Wealth Level indicator for sugar (influences ranking), multiplier based on Metabolism.
SUGAR_MAX_CELL - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
maximum "initial" qty of sugar in a cell, may exceed this limit later if LIMIT_CELL_SUGAR is false.
SUGAR_MAX_CITIZEN - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
max "initial" qty of sugar inherited by a citizen - may gather more later
SUGAR_MIN_CITIZEN - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
min "initial" qty of sugar inherited by a citizen - inheritance for first generation is derived randomly, later generations inherit from parents.
SUGAR_RENEW_SUMMER - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Unit increase in amt of sugar during summer
SUGAR_RENEW_WINTER - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Unit increase in amt of sugar during winter.
Sugarscape - package Sugarscape
Sugarscape - class Sugarscape.
Built-on the original code from
Game of Life v1.3
Copyright 1996-2001 Edwin Martin
version 1.0 online since July 3 1996
1.1: Double buffering to screen; faster paint
1.2: Arrowkeys changed; better use of `synchronized'
1.3: Choose speed from drop down menu and draw with mouse

-------------Sugarscape - Linked List version------------
-------------abraham kannankeril---------------------------
1.4: Added template 'Random'& 'Big Bang' to layout choices
2.0: Add Sugarscape & Citizen objects incorporating a new
& more sophisticated ruleset.
-> a single resource (sugar) is randomly dispersed on the grid (sugarscape)
-> citizens scattered on the sugarscape must collect & consume sugar to ensure survival
-> citizens possess attributes - vision, metabolism & sugar hoard
System-level variables can be manually adjusted via public constants to influence
behavior on the sugarscape.
2.1: Split into multiple files for better manageablity - package GameOfLife
Added system variable DEBUG to switch debug info ON/OFF
2.2: Added visual representation of cell & citizen properties
-> cells shaded to represent available sugar level (low / medium / high)
-> citizen shaded to represent available sugar level (low / medium / high)
-> citizen shape conveys representation of following combined properties
- high vision, high metabolism
- high vision, low metabolism
- low vision, high metabolism
- low vision, low metabolism
2.21 Improved sugar search routine to enable neutral selection between equally fertile cells
and selection of random cell if no sugar available to citizen
Added boolean variables to toggle debugging of selected program functions
Added boolean flag to allow imposition of limits on sugar accumulation in cells and a
corresponding method to depict absolute values of the sugar matrix
Color cues implemented in visual display:
-> Cell color darkens according to sugar accumulated in each cell
-> Citizen color gradually varies from red to orange to yellow to green to represent the amount of sugar collected
-> Citizen shape varies to depict one of four relative vision/metabolism combinations -> Grid coordinates can be printed if needed.
Sugarscape() - Constructor for class Sugarscape
sScapePanel - Variable in class Sugarscape
scAvgAge - Variable in class Sugarscape
scAvgLifespan - Variable in class Sugarscape
scAvgSpMetab - Variable in class Sugarscape
scAvgSpice - Variable in class Sugarscape
scAvgSuMetab - Variable in class Sugarscape
scAvgSugar - Variable in class Sugarscape
scAvgVision - Variable in class Sugarscape
scBirths - Variable in class Sugarscape
scDeaths - Variable in class Sugarscape
scDensity - Variable in class Sugarscape
scDistAdults - Variable in class Sugarscape
scDistChildren - Variable in class Sugarscape
scDistFemale - Variable in class Sugarscape
scDistMale - Variable in class Sugarscape
scDistSeniors - Variable in class Sugarscape
scDistSummer - Variable in class Sugarscape
scDistWinter - Variable in class Sugarscape
scEff - Variable in class Sugarscape
scHyp - Variable in class Sugarscape
scHypSp - Variable in class Sugarscape
scHypSu - Variable in class Sugarscape
scInEff - Variable in class Sugarscape
scOldAge - Variable in class Sugarscape
scPerCycle - Variable in class Sugarscape
scProcGather - Variable in class Sugarscape
scProcMate - Variable in class Sugarscape
scProcMisc - Variable in class Sugarscape
scProcTrade - Variable in class Sugarscape
scRiskAverse - Variable in class Sugarscape
scRiskTaker - Variable in class Sugarscape
scSlow - Variable in class Sugarscape
scSlowSp - Variable in class Sugarscape
scSlowSu - Variable in class Sugarscape
scStarved - Variable in class Sugarscape
scorePanel - Variable in class Sugarscape
searchFarthestCell(Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Search process for farthest cell within range specified by citizen's vision.
searchGridGoods(Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Search process for citizens seeking sugar and spice on the Sugarscape.
searchNBarter(Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Barter process defining needs evaluation, prospects search, negotiation and mutually beneficial exchange of goods by denizens of the Sugarscape.
setCauseOfDeath(String) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Stores the string describing cause of death in citizen.
setCellspaceStats(Citizen, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Tabulates statistics to reflect changes to the Sugarscape population.
setCol(int) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Stores the column representing a current or designated location within the citizen object.
setDistrChildAdultSenior(Citizen, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
setDistrSeason(Citizen, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
setFamily() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
setFamily(Citizen, Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
setID() - Static method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns a unique numeric ID and increments it in preparation for the next request.
setInheritAttributes(Citizen, Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Randomly choses newborn child's genetic attributes from one or the other parent.
setLastMating(int) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Updates last mating of citizen to current cycle or time period.
setLifeSpan(int) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Sets citizen lifespan to a specified or random value.
setMRS() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Calculates value.
setMetabSpice(int) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Sets citizen spice metabolism to a specified or random value.
setMetabSugar(int) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Sets citizen sugar metabolism to a specified or random value.
setParents(Citizen, Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
setPersona() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Sets citizen vision to a random value.
setPollution(int) - Method in class Sugarscape.Cell
Recalculates pollution for the cell.
setRanking() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Recalculates ranking for citizen.
setRow(int) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Stores the row representing a current or designated location within the citizen object.
setSex() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Sets citizen sex to a specified or random value.
setSpUnits() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Calculates value, depicting the number of units of spice available to the citizen.
setSpice(float) - Method in class Sugarscape.Cell
Initializes the quantity of spice in a cell to a pre-specified or random amount.
setSpice(float) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Sets citizen spice to a specified or random value.
setSuUnits() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Calculates value, depicting the number of units of sugar available to the citizen.
setSugar(float) - Method in class Sugarscape.Cell
Initializes the quantity of sugar in a cell to a pre-specified or random amount.
setSugar(float) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Sets citizen sugar to a specified or random value.
setSurplus() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Calculates and returns the surplus available for trade.
setTUD() - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Calculates and returns an estimated Time Until Death.
setTotAge(Citizen, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
setTotSugarSpice(Citizen, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
setVision(int) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Sets citizen vision to a specified or random value.
sex - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
showCellStats(int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Calls the relevant Cell method to display stats for a given cell.
showCitizenStats(String, int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
showDebugSettings() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Display settings for all DEBUG switches.
showGenerations() - Method in class Sugarscape
Show number of cycles that have executed and the current population count
showPopulationStats(int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Calculate and display detailed stats on Cellspace population.
showProcessStats() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Displays time slices used by various broadly defined processes.
showSpiceStats(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Display the spice distribution on the Sugarscape.
showStats(int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.Cell
Returns a string describing the sugar, spice and pollution levels within the cell.
showStats(String) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen
Returns a string describing some of the key attributes for the citizen.
showSugarStats(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Display the sugar distribution on the Sugarscape.
shuffleMates() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Shuffles list of mates before selection of final partner.
slow - Variable in class Sugarscape
Speed settings for the simulation
sortTraders(Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Method called when multiple prospects available for trade with a citizen.
spUnits - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
speed - Variable in class Sugarscape
Template Choice and speed control
spice - Variable in class Sugarscape.Cell
spice - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
ssCols - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssCoordColor - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssCoordDetail - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssCoordShow - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssCoordSize - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssDensity - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssFertSpice - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssFertSugar - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssMaxCols - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssMaxRows - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssPanelHeight - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssPanelMax - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssPanelMin - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssProcGather - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssProcInherit - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssProcMate - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssProcPollution - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssProcSeasons - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssProcTrade - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssRows - Variable in class Sugarscape
ssSeasonDuration - Variable in class Sugarscape
start2() - Method in class Sugarscape
No start() to prevent starting immediately.
This method enables the GUI to initialize and await action from the user to begin execution, rather than executing as soon as the applet has finished loading.
startLabel - Variable in class Sugarscape
startTime - Static variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
startstopButton - Variable in class Sugarscape
stop() - Method in class Sugarscape
Pauses the current simulation
stopLabel - Variable in class Sugarscape
suUnits - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
sugar - Variable in class Sugarscape.Cell
sugar - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
sugarscape - Variable in class ControlChoice
sugarscape - Variable in class ControlNext
sugarscape - Variable in class ControlSpeed
sugarscape - Variable in class ControlStartStop
sugarscape - Variable in class Sugarscape
sumPollutant() - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Calculates pollutant accumulated in cells on the grid.
surnames - Static variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
surplus - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen


TEXTAREA_HEIGHT - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
Default size in rows for text display & command feedback
TEXTAREA_MAX - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
TEXTAREA_MIN - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
TUD - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen
tabPanel - Variable in class Sugarscape
textArea - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Used to display simulation data and command feedback to the user.
textArea - Variable in class Sugarscape
textField - Variable in class Sugarscape
timeElapsed() - Static method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Process timekeeper - Tracks time elapsed since the last call to this method.
timePeriod - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
toggleCellUnderMouse(int, int) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Called by the mouseUp & mouseDrag methods.
totAge - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
totLifespan - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
totSpMetab - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
totSpice - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
totSuMetab - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
totSugar - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
totVision - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
tradeGoods(Citizen, Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Determines the trade price, flow of goods and units to be exchanged.
trader - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
traderList - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
transferWealth(Citizen, Citizen) - Method in class Sugarscape.Citizen


update(Graphics) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
updateCellPanel() - Method in class Sugarscape
updateCitizenPanel() - Method in class Sugarscape
updateConfigPanel() - Method in class Sugarscape
updateScorePanel() - Method in class Sugarscape
updateSscapePanel() - Method in class Sugarscape


VISION_MAX - Static variable in class Sugarscape.GoLconst
maximum vision level for a citizen , minimum 1
vision - Variable in class Sugarscape.Citizen


writeText(String) - Method in class Sugarscape.CellSpace
Attempt to write simulation data to diskfile - have to find another way of doing this as Java security does not permit this operation.


zenList - Variable in class Sugarscape.CellSpace